On an adventure to the forest we passed one of our favourite climbing trees. It's a Goat Willow and as we walked by we noticed it's early spring flowers were in full bloom.
An important component of Nature Connection is taking the opportunity to 'notice' changes and 'interact' with them. We busily began collecting the fallen flowers, as we did a bumblebee came buzzing by. We noticed how the flowers were fluffy like the bumblebee. Inspired by the similarity we decided to make some nature art from the flowers that represented the bee.
Upon arriving in the forest we also found signs of another animal, collecting these we made a bumblebee of natural materials.
The willow is one of the native trees from the UK, there are many varieties but many people refer to them as 'pussy willow' because of the soft fluffy buds that appear in the spring. Here Danny tells a story of how Pussy Willows came to be.
On your next walk see if you can spot a Willow tree close by to where you live, collect some fallen flowers and let nature guide and inspire you to create- post your pictures below or in the subscribers artwork section.