This is a lovely story to tell in the spring time when the blossom of the Blackthorn is about to bloom.
In this Old English Folk Tale a man is out walking when he stumbles across a leprechaun who is snagged in Blackthorn. It really was his lucky day as to catch a leprechaun means a pot of gold. But was luck on his side?
This story is a great reminder of the trickery of the leprechauns.
After the story consider the following questions and activities:
1- Early Spring is a wonderful time to go seeking and searching for freshly emerged flowers- the blackthorn can be very spectacular once it blooms. Head out as a family and look for your own blackthorn tree.
2. In the story the man is out looking and listening for birds. During the spring the birds are singing a range of tunes. Head out into a local park or wood and listen out for the many different birds.
3. What do you think about the story? Did you guess what the leprechaun would do? Do you think the leprechaun was fair in what he did while the man was gone?
Love this story. Will share it tomorrow or when I can bring in a sprig of a blackthorn bush.