After spending a week enjoying some spring sunshine we were suddenly hit with a cold spell. We took the opportunity to head out into the garden and enjoy a fire.

During this video we'll show the following:
Use of an axe, fixed blade knife and mallet to chop wood.
How to select wood
Building an upside fire
Lighting a fire using cotton wool, birch bark and a match.
We hope you are successful at lighting a fire, please do post pictures below of you enjoying your fire.
Please note:
During this video we enjoy a fire in our garden- if you are going to have a fire please be sure to get the landowners permission before lighting.
During this video we use an axe and fixed blade knife for chopping wood- we have been doing this for many years with children, if you're not comfortable using these tools with your children you can prep the wood yourself and build and light the fire together.
WHEN TOOLS ARE INVOLVED ONLY DO WHAT YOUR CURRENT SKILL LEVEL ALLOWS AND WHAT YOU ARE COMFORTABLE WITH. We offer adult training in the use of tools, contact us for more details.
These pictures brought great joy to us- we hope your toasty fires are keeping you warm through the New Zealand winter.
We followed this video and built a fire pit in our garden. Daisy and Teddy collected twigs and smaller pieces of wood and built up the fire. We toasted some bread and then had a cook out a few nights later making s'mores. Memories of happy days at The Communitree 🙂